Edwina Wyatt (text) and Katherine Queen (illustrator), The Courage of Magnolia Moon (Magnolia Moon #3), Walker Books, November 2022, 160 pp., RRP $16.99 (pbk), ISBN 9781460760215
Magnolia Moon is a girl of great daring. Even though she has daring, this third book in the series centres on Magnolia’s doubting her courage. How brave is she? Can she help her friends, her family and herself? Ten year old Magnolia Moon will find the courage to move forward, from going to the dentist, bullying, repairing the relationship with her best friend, and speaking up for what’s right.
While this story is quiet, it is also gentle and comforting. Each chapter is its own little story that links to the complete story. The lyricism is softly absorbing and shows kids that being brave comes in lots of ways. Magnolia Moon’s courage is tender and always fearless.
The Courage of Magnolia Moon is charming, clever, elegant, and wise. Her lyrical and imaginative world is a delight. Everyday wonders are highlighted through Magnolia’s curious and observant nature. This story celebrates courage, love, and magic.
It will appeal to young girls.
Reviewed by Suzanne Gervay