BLACKFORD, Jenny (text) Michael Robson (illus.) The Duties of a Cat Pitt Street Poetry, 2013…
Browsing: Poetry
PARTON, Daron Alligator in an Anorak Random House, 2014 unpaged $19.99 ISBN 9780857983091 SCIS 1676370…
HAMILTON, Margaret (text) Anna Pignataro (illus.) B is for Bedtime Little Hare, 2014 unpaged A$24.95…
APEL, Kathryn Bully on the Bus UQP, 2014 133pp $14.95 pbk ISBN 9780702253287 SCIS 1662759…
Van DAM, Jo (text) Myles Lawford (illus.) Doggie Ditties from A to Z Scholastic (NZ),…
WHITESIDE, Stephen (text) Lauren Merrick (illus.) The Billy That Died With Its Boots On Walker,…
ROBINSON, Nikki Slade Munkle Arvur and the Big Dry Scholastic (NZ), 2014 32pp NZ$19.50 pbk…
WARWICK, Valerie (text) Kate Jones et al (illus.) The Anthology of Performance Poetry Playtime Productions,…
PATERSON, Banjo (text) Oslo Davis (illus.) Banjo Paterson Treasury Random House, 2013 152pp $19.95 pbk…