Kate Simpson (text) and Andy Hardiman (illustrator), Ouch! Tales of Gravity, Allen & Unwin, February…
Browsing: information book
Sabina Radeva, On the Origin of Species, Penguin Random House, February 2022, 56 pp., RRP…
Vanessa Pirotta (text) and Samantha Metcalfe (illustrator), The Voyage of Whale and Calf, CSIRO Publishing,…
Kate Hale (text) and Andy Smith (illustrator), Return to Factopia!, Britannica Books, March 2022, 208…
Nic Gill and Romane Cristescu (text), Rachel Tribout (illustrator) Poo, Spew and Other Gross Things…
Corey Tutt (text) and Blak Douglas (illustrator), The First Scientists: Deadly Inventions and Innovations from…
Mark Greenwood (text) and Frané Lessac (illustrator), Our Country: Ancient Wonders, Walker Books, 40 pp.,…
Charles Hope, Power Up!, Wild Dog Books, July 2021, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN…
Antoinette Portis, Hey, Water!, Scallywag Press, August 2021, 44 pp., RRP $16.99 (pbk), ISBN 9781912650606…
Britannica Group, Britannica’s Five Minute Really True Stories for Family Time, Britannica Books, January 2022,…