Remy Lai, Sunny the Shark (Surviving the Wild #3), Allen & Unwin, August 2022, 112 pp., RRP $14.99 (pbk), ISBN 9781761065460
‘Sunny the Shark’ is the part of the Surviving the Wild series of graphic novels, written and illustrated by award-winning author of ‘Pawcasso’, Remy Lai.
We’re introduced to Sunny, an ocean white tip shark, whose shiny sharp teeth keep most creatures at a distance. In the opening spreads, a school of pilot fish ‘latch’ onto Sunny and they form a relationship. This keeps the action and dialogue flowing as Sunny is caught by a research boat, tagged and her journey tracked. This is central to the story, which is based on the true story of Destiny, the porbeagle shark, rescued from dying from a ring of plastic, then also tagged and tracked for research. Sunny eventually is tangled in plastic highlighting the dangers to marine life of human rubbish.
This is a heartfelt environmental story creating empathy for sharks and an insight into the hierarchy of the underwater food chain. Lai’s illustrations are colourful, warm, and active softening any fear children may have of sharks.
Perfect for children age 7+ moving off school readers seeking an engaging environmental story.
Reviewed by Stef Gemmill