Kyle Mewburn (text) Mike Howie & Flux Animation (illustrations), Rosie’s Radical Rescue Ride, Random House NZ, 7 November 2014, $NZ 19.99 (pbk), 32pp., ISBN 978-1-77553-777-9
As all kiwis need to know, a piece of number 8 wire is a symbol that signifies the idea of ordinary people overcoming real problems with innovative thinking using perhaps odd materials. When the tractor breaks down and the farmhand is upset, not knowing what to do, it’s the cow Rosie who moos, “we just use our heads, and cow-operate together.” The problem is that a rainstorm is near and if the hay is not cut immediately, it will be ruined. What can the cows do? A fierce tug-or war doesn’t work as they slip and slide in the mud. Perhaps swinging the cat Toby by his back paws might work with its sharp claws cutting hay. It doesn’t work either. Well, what would you do if you were a cow with a corrugated iron sheet that is lying about in order to save the day? Read and find out!
The illustrations here are a blend of a realistic style (computer imagery) and a cartoon style which is entirely fitting given the nature of the story. Whilst the story is fantastic, the associated web site is a more realistic source of information about dairy farming, suitable for both urban and rural children. I can imagine a rural school teacher making good use of this text to excite children developing their own imaginative take on what it is to be a farmer. The site also contains a wonderful collection of games and galleries, blogs and a club!
reviewed by John McKenzie