Felice Arena (text) and Tom Jellett (Illustrator), Poo! and other words that make me laugh, Harper Collins, 2021, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781760898328
A riot of colour, a list of words. This book celebrates verbal sounds and demands to be read aloud. From endpaper to endpaper the dynamic, playful graphics and carefully chosen descriptive text create a sense of energy and fun that dramatically builds to joyous crescendo. Scuttlebutt succotash skittles and skew. Phew! These words make me laugh. I’m sure for you too!
Bright blue, orange, yellow and red, pop and bound across the page in a brilliant combination of traditional ink with digital precision as Jellett’s cartoon-style children whisper and shout the funniest of words. Excellent design carries the words along and animates the simple but impactful Illustrations, with readers at times even turning the pages around. Perfect for encouraging reluctant and curious readers and for those who like to make up their own words. There is a carefully constructed learning strategy at the heart of this book.
After all the fun, a glossary neatly draws readers in to reveal the meanings of all those silly sounds. This book is pure poetry in word and colour and will result in giggles from readers young and old.
Reviewed by Liz Anelli