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Victoria Mackinlay (text) and Ronojoy Ghosh (illustrator), The Lion Who Came to Stay, Scholastic Australia,…
Samantha Wheeler, Devils in Danger, University of Queensland Press, August 2021, 192 pp., RRP $14.99…
Louise Zedda-Sampson, Bowl the Maidens Over, Our First Women Cricketers, LZS Press, April 2021, 98…
Gregg Dreise, Today’s Sun, Penguin Random House, August 2021, 16 pp., RRP $14.99 (board), ISBN…
Penny Harris (text) and Winnie Zhou (illustrator), Flight of the Kite (Ginnie and Pinney), Big…
Penny Harris (text) and Winnie Zhou (illustrator), A Brand New Band (Ginnie and Pinney), Big…