A number of popular Older Reader series have recent new additions….
- The Last Thirteen 8 & 7 & 6 & 5 James Phelan ($14.99 pbk);
- Tom Gates A Tiny Bit Lucky L. Pichon ($15.99 pbk);
- My Australian Story Convict Girl Chrissie Michaels ($16.99 pbk);
- Spinoff from the Shiver trilogy is the story of Cole St Clair Sinner Maggie Stiefvater ($24.99)
Allen & Unwin
- Reboot 2 & finale Rebel Amy Tintera ($17.99 pbk);
- #2 Every Breath Ellie Marney ($18.99 pbk);
- Through My Eyes 4 Emilio Sophie Masson ($15.99 pbk);
- Ship Kings 3 The War of the Four Isles Andrew McGahan ($22.99); plus #2 The Voyage of the Unquiet Ice reissued with a new jacket in August ($14.99 pbk)
- A Jack Mason Adventure Book II The Secret Abyss Darrell Pitt (A$16.99 NZ$21.00 pbk);
- The Rephaim Book III Shimmer Paula Weston (A$19.99 NZ$26.00 pbk)
- Shadowfell 3 & conclusion The Caller Juliet Marillier ($17.99 pbk)
Random House
- Chasing the Valley 3 & conclusion Skyfire Skye Melki-Wegner ($17.99 pbk);
- Caesar the war dog operation pink elephant Stephen Dando-Collins ($16.99 pbk);
- Red Fox Spooks Book Fourteen/Starblade Chronicles Book One A New Darkness Joseph Delaney/David Wyatt ($17.99 pbk)
- The Mortal Instruments Book Six City of Heavenly Fire Cassandra Clare ($22.95 pbk)