Paul Collins, James Gong: The Big Hit, Hybrid Publishing, April 2020, 160 pp., RRP $16.95 (pbk), ISBN 9781925736441
Frenetic, self-absorbed, and dazzled by the idea of fame, fourteen-year-old antagonist James Gong is every boy’s dream persona. Rather like a James Bond wannabe in training, James kick boxes his way through this story packing a punch with every plot twist and turn.
James is training for his black belt in taekwondo. When a camera crew from Hollywood Productions turns up to his training, they witness James’ jumping spinning sidekick. Cast in a low-budget movie, he sees it as his chance for fame and fortune. What could go wrong?
Told in first person present tense, the momentum of the narrative is maintained throughout the 160 pages of action. Each chapter is headed with an appropriate black and white line drawing. This is a fast-paced read, full of exclamation marks and rhetorical questions and one that will appeal to young taekwondo enthusiasts and other active kids.
There is a love interest in the book in the form of his sister Caitlin’s best friend, Amber (all action heroes need a leading lady, right?!) with a bittersweet conclusion and lots of relationship ups and downs throughout the story. Kinetic, character-based, and full of surprises, this new story by prolific writer Paul Collins (a black belt in taekwondo and ju jitsu) packs a lot of punch.
Reviewed by Julie Thorndyke