CARVELL, Catherine Darcy Moon and the Deep-fried Frogs Fremantle Press, 2014 121pp $14.99 pbk ISBN 9781922089717 SCIS 1646755
Although Darcy has grown up with hippie tree-hugging parents who refuse to wear deodorant (Dad) or a bra (Mum), she finds it hard to believe that she could be the Earth Guardian whose destiny is to save the frogs. It must be true, though, because Wizen, the ancient Western Swamp Tortoise, has spoken to her. Someone is taking the frogs, endangering the natural balance of swamp life. Darcy’s investigations reveal the dastardly actions of a local businessman who is using frog mucus to fry potato chips. Darcy works with the remaining frogs to show up the villainous Sid Bellows. And although her Earth Guardian-ship abilities fade once the environmental near-disaster has been eliminated, you never know just when she’ll be called on again.
This book has a clear environmental message told in a quirky way. Darcy has her faults but she’s quick to redeem them, throwing herself to the rescue of the frogs and defeating the hideous Sid in frog-dropping style. A book replete with humour that could be used to discuss contemporary environmental issues.
reviewed by Pam Harvey
Read an interview with Catherine Carvell in the Interviews section.