Phil Cummings (text), Shane Devries (illus.), Ride, Ricardo, Ride!, Omnibus/Scholastic, 1 March 2015, $24.99 (hbk), 32pp.,…
Browsing: Great Read Alouds
Books that have been shown to work successfully when read aloud to children of all ages.
Marie-Louise Gay, Any questions?, Allen & Unwin, April 2015, 60pp., $17.99 (hbk), ISBN 978 1…
Deborah Hart, Guarding Eden: champions of climate action, Allen and Unwin, June 2015, 256pp., $17.99…
Peter Macinnis, The Big Book of Australian History (revised and updated), National Library of Australia, 1…
Ruth Starke (text) Robert Hannaford (illus.). My Gallipoli. Working Title Press. 25 February 2015. $29.99 (hbk),…
Suzanne Main. How I Alienated my Grandma Scholastic NZ, 1 April 2015, $AU14.99/$NZ17.00 (pbk), 280pp.,…
Phil Cummings (text), Shane Devries (illus.), Ride, Ricardo, Ride!, Omnibus/Scholastic, 1 March 2015, $24.99 (hbk), 32pp.,…
Mandy Coe (ed), Let in the Stars: new poetry for children, Manchester Writing School/Manchester Metropolitan…
Chuguna, Jukuna Mona and Pat Lowe (text), Mervyn Street (illustrator), The Girl from the…
CHILDREN of GUNUNA with Alison Lester & Elizabeth Honey Our Island Viking, 2014 unpaged $24.99…