Gill Arbuthnott (text), Marc Mones (illus.), A Beginner’s Guide to Life on Earth, Bloomsbury, 1 Nov…
Browsing: Information Books
Karl Kruszelnicki (text), Russell Jeffrey (illus.), Dr Karl’s Biggest Book of Science Stuff and…
Abbas Kazerooni, The Boy with Two Lives, Allen & Unwin, Sept 2015, 256pp., $15.99 (pbk),…
Mike and Debbie Schramer, Fairy House: how to make amazing fairy furniture, miniatures and more…
Mark Wilson, The Afghanistan Pup, Lothian/Hachette, March 2014, 32 pp., $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9780734415325 Mark…
Amy White, Mark H Pulham & Dallin Blankenship, Dressing the Naked Hand: the world’s greatest guide…
Craig Glenday (editor-in-chief), Guinness World Records 2016, Self-published, 256pp., $29.45 (hbk), ISBN: 9781910561010 This book is, of…
Tania McCartney (text) Tina Snarling (illus) An English Year: twelve months in the life of England’s…
Rohan Cleave (text), Coral Tulloch (illus), Phasmid: saving the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect, CSIRO Publishing, Sept…
Tania McCartney (text) and Andrew Joyner (illus.) Australian Kids Through the Years, NLA Publishing, 1…