Natalie McKinnon (text) and Margaret Tolland (illustrator), Bizz Buzz Boss, Starfish Bay Children’s Books, February 2019,…
Browsing: Highly Recommended
These books are highly recommended by the Reading Time reviewers.
Tanya McCartney, Australia Illustrated (2nd ed), Exisle Publishing, October 2018, 96 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk),…
Kate Gordon, Girl Running, Boy Falling, Rhiza Edge, October 2018, 236 pp., RRP $17.99 (pbk),…
Felice Arena, Marcus Emerson, Andy Griffiths, Katrina Nannestad, Yvette Poshoglian, James Roy, Lisa Shanahan, Matt…
Adam Wallace (text) and Giuseppe Poli (illustrator), Invisible Jerry, EK Books, November 2018, 32 pp.,…
Samantha Wheeler, Everything I’ve Never Said, University of Queensland Press, October 2018, 224 pp., (pbk),…
Meredith Costain (text) and Danielle McDonald (illustrator), Super Science Stars (Olivia’s Secret Scribbles #4), Scholastic…
J.K. Rowling, and Jim Kay (illustrator), Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Bloomsbury, September 2018,…
Pamela Freeman (text) and Sophie Beer (illustrator), Amazing Australian Women: Twelve Women who Helped Shape…
Davina Bell (text) and Allison Colpoys (Illustrator), All the Ways to be Smart, Scribe Publications,…