Browsing: Highly Recommended

These books are highly recommended by the Reading Time reviewers.

Dannika Patterson (text) and Megan Forward, (illustrator), Scribbly Gum Secrets, Ford Street Publishing, April 2020, 32 pp., RRP $16.95 (pbk), ISBN 9781925804485 I think many caregivers will relate…

Dave Hartley and Kirsty Murray (text) and Dub Leffler (illustrator), Strangers on Country, NLA Publishing, April 2020, 124 pp., RRP $29.99 (pbk), ISBN 9780642279552  Strangers on Country describes…

Nicole Godwin (text), and Christopher Nielsen, (illustrator), Jelly-Boy, Walker Books Australia, February 2020, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781760651237 A fun book that partners…