Heath McKenzie, Archie – No Ordinary Sloth, Five Mile Press, March 2016, 32pp., $19.95 (hbk), ISBN: 9781760067892
Archie is a sloth unlike other sloths. While all his family and friends like to…well…sloth – he likes to be active. He tries everything to make the other sloths active – tickling, attaching ropes to limbs to turn them into marionettes – but he just ends up getting told to go away. Silver lining though – in the deepest, darkest corner of the jungle Archie finds a whole bunch of new friends – others who are different to those in their groups. As Archie heads back to his own group, he discovers a way to use his uniqueness to save them all.
Sloths are the new fashionable animal, with a variety of books featuring them appearing on the market in recent times. Heath McKenzie’s endearing illustrations and storyline about being different and accepting difference in others is sure to make this a favourite amongst them.
Cute little Archie with his big red eyes is a very relatable character. His exuberance and frustration have likely been experienced by many young readers – and the adults in their lives. His realisation that being different doesn’t have to mean being wrong is presented in a non-preachy, natural way, leaving the reader with a story that flows and entertains – and perhaps a hope that there will be more adventures featuring Archie.
Reviewed by Tina Cavanough