Rohan Cleave (text) and Julian Teh (illustrator), On the Trail of the Plains-wanderer, CSIRO Publishing, September 2022, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781486314478
These shy little ground birds are found out on the bare saltbush plains or in the grasslands and herb fields of northern Victoria and outback New South Wales, stretching into Queensland. They are endangered. This handsome book from CSIRO Publishing aims to educate early-years’ students about the Plains-wanderer.
The full-page, sometimes double-page realistic colour illustrations are a highlight of the book, especially an aerial image of the tiny bird among grass tussocks on an ochre cracked-mud surface — exactly as a bird of prey might view the vulnerable creature. We learn that the male of the species incubates each clutch of eggs while the female goes away to find another male to mate. Dangers are ever-present from dingoes, foxes, feral cats, and falcons. But most pressing is the loss of habitat to farms.
Plains-wanderers are so shy and secretive that even scientists rarely see them. The best evidence of their presence is taken from automatic recording devices sensitive enough to pick up their gentle ‘ooo’ calls at dusk and dawn. Recently these recording devices have become more silent, indicating that the Plains-wanderer is struggling to survive. Zoos are now breeding captive birds to place back into their habitat. Researchers estimate there are fewer than a thousand of these unique birds left in the wild. Their survival will depend upon collaboration between zoos, farmers, scientists, wildlife organisations, and broader climate change mitigation action.
There are no other birds like them in the world. It will be a tragic and irreversible loss when they are gone. There is a useful glossary at the end of the book, among a set of background notes. CSIRO can also supply excellent Teacher Notes that fit the content to aspects of the Australian Science Curriculum for Years 1 to 4.
Highly recommended for children from five to ten.
Reviewed by Kevin Brophy