Katie Flannigan (text) and P.J. Reece (illustrator), A Boy, His Bear and a Bully, EK Books, September 2021, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781925820898
His bear, Buttons, attends school with Scott every day to help the boy as he is bullied by Duncan. Duncan harasses and steals from Scott. It all comes to a head when Buttons disappears, and with the help of his friend Rosie (and his dinosaur suit) Scott finds he is able to confront Duncan and discover Buttons.
We are told that Scott finds his courage. Apparently it starts with a thumping in his heart, but it is Rosie’s loud voice to the teacher that really does the trick, and when Duncan’s mother helps Duncan write a sorry note, all is forgiven.
Reece’s clever, almost comic illustrations enhance the story. Aimed at 4 to 8 year olds this picture book will be useful as a starter to a discussion rather than an answer to the problem.
Reviewed by Stella Lees