Polly Marsden (text), and Chris Nixon (illustrator), The Bushfire Book, Hachette, August 2020, $19.99 (hardback), ISBN 9780734420077.
As we approach summer, many of us are reminded of the bushfires that devastated so much of Victoria and NSW earlier this year. At the time, news of the fires – the imminent danger, loss of homes, lives, and wildlife – was inescapable. Articles began appearing in social media news feeds on how to talk to children about natural disasters, as parents became more aware of the mental-health impact of the devastation, whether children were directly affected by the fires or seeing it on the news.
The Bushfire Book: How to be Aware and Prepare is a simple yet comprehensive picture book about bushfires. Giving children facts about bushfires, while also empowering them to be bushfire smart, is important to help children manage any anxiety they might understandably have about bushfires.
This book doesn’t shy away from the truth but contextualises it in a non-threatening way. It points out that “bushfires have been part of Australia’s extraordinary natural environment for millions of years,” while also acknowledging the reality of climate change that means “more bushfires in more places.” It also recognises the knowledge First Nations peoples have around controlling bushfires and using fire in productive ways.
The Bushfire Book: How to be Aware and Prepare talks about ways to be bushfire smart –learning bushfire facts, being aware, getting prepared and working together. It also discusses the emotional impact and how to deal with feeling scared.
All of this is presented in an engaging child-friendly way with incredible colourful illustrations that fill whole pages, and interesting use of text and design. There is a strong sense of celebration for “this big, beautiful country at the bottom of the world. (Depending on which way you hold the map.)” And landscapes, cityscapes, people, animals, and vehicles all feature strongly.
The book comes with a poster on “How to be bushfire smart” and also comes as an ebook. Teachers resources with printable worksheets are available online through the Hachette website.
I highly recommend The Bushfire Book: How to be Aware and Prepare for all children and adults. I’d love to see this routinely presented in classrooms too. It is the perfect way to help children understand fires, keep safe and manage anxiety.
Reviewed by Bec Blakeney